Make a difference this election: Support the Socialist Alliance campaign

The election has been called for May 21. Make the biggest difference you can for people and the planet by supporting the Socialist Alliance campaign.
It's obvious that we need to change the government, but it's also important that we don't just fall in behind the "lesser evil" opposition.
We need genuine anti-capitalist solutions to the climate crisis, rampant inequality and the other pressing issues we face. Only a people-powered campaign can achieve these.
We're running for the senate in WA, Queensland, NSW and Victoria and a number of lower house seats, including #PatOShane4Leichhardt in Far North Queensland. Find out more about our campaign here.
Your help can make a big difference:
- donate to our campaign
- help share our social media posts
- put up a yardsign
- help on our stalls and campaign activities
- volunteer now to help on polling day and pre-polling
You can donate here or contact Socialist Alliance to offer your support to this very important campaign.