Vic: Sue Bull - Seat of Corio

Sue Bull is the Socialist Alliance candidate for the seat of Corio in Geelong.
As a Health and Safety teacher in the construction industry, Bull has been a committed unionist all her working life. She believes the major parties are putting tax cuts and subsidies for business ahead of workers’ rights and stagnated pay rates, ignoring the pain that COVID has inflicted upon workers and the unemployed.
In 2012 Bull received over 10,000 votes when standing as the Socialist Alliance candidate for mayor of Geelong on a platform calling for sustainable jobs and industries. Sadly little has improved in 10 years.
“Frankly climate change frames this era, so I’ve been involved in several campaigns locally to bring unionists and environmentalists together to fight for renewables and sustainable jobs. There are no jobs on a dead planet. If we are to have a future, these two powerful movements must unite and force governments to put people ahead of the profits of the mining giants and big business.”
How to vote Sue Bull

How to vote Socialist Alliance for the Senate in Victoria