Qld: Pat O'Shane - Seat of Leichhardt

Pat O’Shane is a Kuku Yalanji woman and a retired magistrate. Her career has included teaching, public service, and university chancellorship.
She has been voted as one of Australia’s living treasures by the National Trust, and in 2021 was awarded a NAIDOC Lifetime Achievement Award for her tireless and longstanding advocacy and support of her community. She retired from the bench of magistrates in NSW in 2013 to work on a pro bono basis.
"I’ve a long-term connection to the Far North. My family are here, and my entire First Nations family have lived here for many generations. We’re the Traditional Owners of the Daintree rainforest, the world’s oldest lowland tropical forest.
"There has been a dismal failure of the Morrison Government to acquit their responsibilities to all Australians. I can’t sit by and let this inaction go on."
Pat O'Shane is running for the seat of Leichhardt, Far North Queensland, alongside Renée Lees (Socialist Alliance Queensland senate candidate). Pat's facebook page.
How to vote Pat O'Shane