Socialist classes - Education for activists
This page contains educational resources for members, including talks, classes, links to videos, audio and websites. The content will be updated regularly, so check back for new materials from time to time.
Seven features of Socialist Alliance
Slides (pdf)
Notes (pdf)
Introduction to Socialism
Slides - Introduction to Socialist Alliance
Towards a Socialist Australia.
Social classes and class struggle in Australia.
Introduction to Marxism
Slideshow Class 1 (pdf)
Slideshow Class 2 (pdf)
Slideshow Class 3 (pdf)
Slideshow Class 4 (pdf)
Classes on Marxism, including lists of readings and discussion points.
Marxist feminism
Introduction to Feminism and Socialism Class Syllabus (docx).
Marxist economics
Video Reading Marx's Capital with David Harvey — Vols 1 & 2.
Video The discovery and rediscovery of metabolic rift, Ian Angus. 2019 Marxism Festival in London.
Video Why the market can't fix the climate crisis, Gemma Weedall.
Video Capitalism and Climate Change — Part 1, John Bellamy Foster, Climate Change: Social Change Conference 2008.
Video Capitalism and Climate Change — Part 2, John Bellamy Foster, Climate Change: Social Change Conference 2008.
Video Capitalism and Climate Change — Part 3, John Bellamy Foster, Climate Change: Social Change Conference 2008.
Video Capitalism and Climate Change — Part 4, John Bellamy Foster, Climate Change: Social Change Conference 2008.
Climate Change: A Marxist Analysis.
Environment, Capitalism & Socialism.
Notes for Environment, Capitalism & Socialism (bottom of page).
Further reading on Environment, Capitalism & Socialism (end of page).
Can Green Taxes Save the Environment? Dick Nichols.
Socialist strategy & tactics
Youth, Students and Revolution, Emma Clancy.
The Revolutionary Party, Dave Holmes, Abridged.
How to Make a Revolution in the United States, Peter Camejo.
Liberalism, Ultraleftism and Mass Action, Peter Camejo.
Revolutionaries and Parliament, Maurice Sibelle.
The collapse of 'communism' in the USSR: Its causes and significance, Doug Lorimer.
The State, democracy, popular power
Popular Power, State and Revolution, examining the Cuban and Venezuelan experiences.
Venezuela's Bolivarian revolution, January 1958-February 2003
Venezuela's Bolivarian revolution, February 2003-December 2006
Understanding the Bolivarian revolution