Vic Senate: Felix Dance

Felix Dance is a Melbourne-based civil engineer and climate activist.
He started becoming involved in climate-related campaigns after seeing the enormous S11 anti-globalisation protest in 2000.
He was motivated to stand for the Victorian senate because the profit-first system is incapable of solving the climate crisis. From his involvement in many climate campaigns over the years he believes that the only way to force the changes needed to deal with the problem is through ordinary people fighting for them in their communities and workplaces.
He believes that as capitalism lurches from crisis to crisis, inequality is accelerating. This is the result of neoliberal governments cutting public funding, particularly to important services such as health care and income support, all while diverting more and more resources to elites.
The myth that if we all work hard enough, or get enough education, we’ll 'make it' is coming apart at the seams. We need to pull together to transform our society.
Felix is running for the Victorian senate.
How to vote Felix Dance