NSW Senate: Paula Sanchez

Paula Sanchez was born in Chile and has been an activist from a very young age. At just 13 she was involved in the struggle against the Augusto Pinochet dictatorship and at the age of 19 she was jailed for her efforts.
Together with her family, she came to Australia in 1988. She has remained active in human rights campaigns with the Latin-American community with a particular interest in encouraging women to pursue a career.
"I know how hard life is when people live in extreme poverty. We need universal, public, quality health care, where the workers and patients are looked after, as well as quality housing for all. I’m also in favour of free universal, high quality education, accessible to all, especially migrant communities."
Paula is a musician and plays with a Latin American folk band. She is involved in promoting Latin American culture through music and art. She has been involved in coordinating a very successful Latin American Festivals in Avalon, which promotes Latin American Indigenous culture and environmental protection.
Paula has been active in the Invasion Day committee for a number of years. She also actively supports LGBTIQ rights.
She is a founding member of the Latin American Social Forum, a member of the National Tertiary Education Union and the NSW Nurses and Midwives Association.
Paula is running for the NSW Senate, with Rachel Evans and Niko Leka.
Campaign leaflet. Paula's Facebook page.
How to vote Paula Sanchez