Socialist Alliance news & updates

Keep up with all the latest news and updates from Socialist Alliance. Also check out Our Common Cause, our regular column in Green Left.

Morocco's occupation of Western Sahara has always been illegitimate. We recognise Western Sahara as belonging to the Saharawi people and the Polisario Front as the legitimate representatives of Saharawi people and express solidarity with them in their David and Goliath struggle.

This should not come as a surprise. No one should be under any doubt that the reported "incidents" of cruelty and murder involving Australian SAS personnel are just the tip of the iceberg.

Online seminar with award-winning writer and editor Bruce Pascoe

There has been a surge of support for socialist candidates in the Victorian local councils elections, with four socialists elected to three councils.

Online conference — October 24-25. Hosted by Green Left, with the support of the Socialist Alliance.

We stand in solidarity with the protest movement in Thailand

Postal ballots for the Victorian local government elections have started going out from the beginning of this week. We'd like to urge you to vote socialist if at all possible in your area and encourage your friends in Victoria to do likewise if you live interstate.

The Socialist Alliance stands in solidarity with the People's Democratic Party (HDP) in Turkey in condemning the anti-democratic attacks waged by the Erdoğan regime against the popular left wing party.

The Sue Bolton Moreland Team has launched a new video for the campaign.

In collaboration with Resistance Books, Socialist Alliance has set up a new page on its website called PDFs for study & education

Those crowing the loudest about the Black Lives Matter movement pushing “cancel culture” should take a good hard look at exactly who is cancelling whose culture — since 1788.

Eliminating Covid-19 is a long-term project that requires public support meaning that any lockdowns or restrictions of movement cannot be based on a punitive, a paternalistic or discriminatory approach.