Socialist Alliance news & updates

Keep up with all the latest news and updates from Socialist Alliance. Also check out Our Common Cause, our regular column in Green Left.

The Socialist Alliance supports the call by the RiseUp4Rojava campaign,  Women Defend Rojava, the Internationalist Commune of Rojava and Make Rojava Green Again for a global commemoration on July 18-19 of the eighth anniversary of the Rojava Revolution in north and east Syria.

The working masses of Venezuela, the first independent country in South America, have been showing the world their resilience, solidarity, and unparalleled valour for the past 219 years. They have won against European colonisers, their own oligarchs, and modern imperialist powers led by the United States.

The Socialist Alliance of Australia condemns the Turkish state’s escalation of illegal cross border air strikes against Kurdish and Yezidi communities in northern Iraq and north-east Syria (Rojava).

The latest evidence of the internal abuses add to a long history of branch stacking in the Labor Party — by all factions.

Socialist councillor Sue Bolton, first elected to Moreland City Council in 2012 and re-elected in 2016, is standing again. Moreland is a hub of community activism going back to the anti-conscription movement during World War I.

This year May Day, takes place in the midst of the global COVID-19 crisis, which reminds the working class across the world that the fight for a just, safer and better world for all is impossible without the solidarity, organisation and mobilisation of the working people to demand for genuine social change.  

We are calling on unions to campaign around the following 10-point plan to ensure that any lifting of restrictions protects lives and livelihoods and not just a return to business as usual

[The following resolution was adopted at the April 5 meeting of the Socialist Alliance national council along with an Action Plan for confronting the crisis.]

How can lives be saved? How can people’s livelihoods be protected? Here is what has to be done so that we can protect our health and livelihoods in the face of this immense challenge.

The Socialist Alliance has recently updated our Climate Emergency Action Plan (or Climate Charter) that was first developed in 2010.

The science is clear: to stop runaway warming we will need to create net zero emissions economies and societies well before 2050. At a minimum we need 100% renewable energy by 2030.

Socialist Alliance unequivocally condemns the US military strike on January 3 that assassinated Iranian commander Qasem Soleimani and deputy commander of the Iraqi government-affiliated forces Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis