Message of solidarity with the Rojava Revolution

The Socialist Alliance supports the call by the RiseUp4Rojava campaign, Women Defend Rojava, the Internationalist Commune of Rojava and Make Rojava Green Again for a global commemoration on July 18-19 of the eighth anniversary of the Rojava Revolution in north and east Syria.
The Rojava Revolution is an inspiration to people all around the world fighting for liberation from the racist, patriarchal and exploitative capitalist system which is also threatening humanity with ecocide.
We note the success the Rojava Revolution has had over these eight years in building a grassroots democratic system of popular power that is feminist and ecological despite confronting the challenges of ongoing war and terror, economic blockade and a shameful betrayal by the major powers intervening in the region.
We also note that the principles of democratic confederalism – developed by imprisoned Kurdish leaders Abdullah Ocalan – have been used very successfully to unite communities from diverse ethnic, linguistic and religious groups. While it was Kurdish freedom fighters in YPG (People's Protection Units) and YPJ (Women's Protection Units) who began the revolution, they have now been joined by fighters from the Arab and other communities in Syria in the Syrian Democratic Forces.
We also note the front-line role that the Rojava Revolution has played in defeating the reactionary Islamic State (ISIS) terrorist forces in the Middle East. More than 11,000 lives have been sacrificed by SDF fighters in this world-significant struggle, yet they have been betrayed by the US (and its allies, including Australia) and Russia. These international powers have given a green light to the Turkish state to escalate its war against the Rojava Revolution.
The Socialist Alliance pledges its ongoing solidarity to the Rojava Revolution and calls upon all left and progressive forces around the world to do the same and pressure their own governments to cut all military ties with Turkey and call on the major powers to end their complicity with the counterrevolutionary war against the Rojava Revolution.
[This resolution was adopted by the Socialist Alliance national executive on July 16 and was endorsed by the national council on July 18.]