Socialist Alliance news & updates

Keep up with all the latest news and updates from Socialist Alliance. Also check out Our Common Cause, our regular column in Green Left.

The federal government’s decision to punish Australian citizens returning from India should be a warning to all that the ruling class does not care about ordinary people — neither in Australia nor India.

After more than a year of the COVID-19 pandemic, working people around the world have been suffering and victimized by the global capitalist system that failed to protect people’s lives and livelihood.

We call on the Australian government to immediately make a public statement calling for release of People's Democratic Party (HDP) representatives from detention and of opposition to the Turkish government's attempts to ban the HDP.

We, the undersigned organisations, strongly condemn the military coup in Burma. The current coup is a great set back to the little achievement of the transition process towards democracy in Burma for the last decade.

The Facebook ban on Australian media sites is a demonstration of the power of the tech giants and a compelling illustration of why they need to be brought under democratic control.

In the face of catastrophic climate change, the business-as-usual assumptions about endless growth and building freeways have to end.

The forced clearing of the homeless people’s camp in Fremantle’s Pioneer Park with the offer of only one week in motel accommodation demonstrates the complete failure of the McGowan government to address the crisis of homelessness in our state.

Socialist Alliance recognises that Australia has joined with imperialist allies including the United States as the aggressors in the growing trade war with China.

The Socialist Alliance national conference will be held January 9-10 online (with in person hook-in points in most cities).

No union movement in its right mind should support the isolation and potential de-registration of its strongest sector. Yet, Labor supports this and the ACTU appears to be silent.

The Socialist Alliance of Australia condemns the October 9 agreement between the Iraqi government and the KRG to destroy the autonomy of the Yazidi community in Sinjar/Shengal

In the midst of the global COVID-19 pandemic, Narendra Modi’s right-wing BJP government is seeking to privatise the public sector and reduce workers’ and farmers’ rights.