Gladys Berejiklian sold out NSW

Gladys Berejiklian is the third NSW Liberal premier to resign over allegations of acting corruptly, after Barry O’Farrell (2011-2014) and Nick Greiner (1988-1992).
Twelve other Liberal National MPs have also resigned due to corruption or were found to be corrupt by NSW ICAC in the last decade. [see details below]
ICAC’s investigations into Berejiklian’s involvement, or knowledge, of the dodgy business dealings of her former partner Daryl Maguire will start on October 18.
Berejiklian only sacked McGuire after ICAC called him to an inquiry in 2018.
Berejiklian and her Coalition predecessors have presided over a massive transfer of public funds to Liberal National Coalition corporate mates.
Since 2011, the Coalition government has privatised $82 billion of public assets – including hospitals, TAFEs, roads, public transport, electricity networks, rail transport corridors, public land and buildings.
Now the remaining 49% of WestCONnex has been sold for $11.1 billion.
Together, this is $24 billion, plus, of privatisation since the 2019 election when Berejiklian promised “no more privatisation”.
She has privatised the bus network and handed public rail to the privately owned Metro — a step towards the privatisation of Sydney Trains.
Public housing has been sold off and public land, including parkland, is gradually being commercialised and privatised.
Heritage has been lost, for example, Willow Grove in Parramatta, or is under threat from inappropriate development.
Berejiklian’s mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis involved giving police more powers to terrorise poor migrant worker communities in Sydney's south west.
Berejiklian is a hard worker for the corporate elites. She needs to be held accountable, as does the NSW government.
We also condemn Berejiklian’s parting shot at ICAC and the Liberal-National Party's cuts to this underfunded organisation.
Ultimately, helping build the union and social/ecological movements is our best defence against NSW Corruption Inc and its federal and state counterparts.
[The NSW Socialist Alliance passed this resolution at its conference October 2.]
John Sidoti (2021)
Daryl Maguire (2018)
Marie Ficarra (2014 but was later cleared).
Chris Hartcher (2014)
Chris Spence (2014)
Darren Webber (2014)
Mike Gallacher (2014)
Tim Owen (2014)
Andrew Cornwell (2014)
Garry Edwards (2014)
Bart Bassett (2014)
Craig Baumann (2014)
Tim Owen (2014)
Joe Tripodi (2014, but he was no longer an MP when found to have been corrupt)
Ian Macdonald (2013)
Eric Roozendaal (2013 but was later cleared)
Tony Kelly (2011)
Eddie Obeid (2011)
Neville Wran (1983 but was later cleared)