Socialist Alliance news & updates
Keep up with all the latest news and updates from Socialist Alliance. Also check out Our Common Cause, our regular column in Green Left.
Book your tickets for the upcoming Ecosocialism 2023 - A World Beyond Capitalism conference taking place on July 1-2 in Melbourne.
Socialist Alliance candidate Isaac Nellist speaks to Green Left's Suzanne James about issues in the current NSW election.
Socialist Alliance is running in the 2023 NSW state election. Check out a playlist to see some of the videos produced as part of this campaign.
The Robodebt royal commission has revealed that lower level Centrelink workers were telling their bosses that the system was wrong and cruel. They were not listened to
The Socialist Alliance sends its warmest fraternal greetings to the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) on the eve of the 21st hearing in the "Kobane" show trial against 108 HDP leaders, 28 of whom are currently being held in prison.
The Treasurer’s “values-based capitalism” looks like it will include cuts to public spending, greater private investment, cuts to services and greater upfront costs.