Socialist Alliance news & updates

Keep up with all the latest news and updates from Socialist Alliance. Also check out Our Common Cause, our regular column in Green Left.

The Socialist Alliance passes resolution that Labor's Indigenous Voice to Parliament will be another token gesture, unless the government is forced by a strong popular movement to take real measures towards First Nations justice

While Socialist Alliance supports the right of the Ukrainian people to resist the Russian invasion and to access military assistance to do so, including military training, it is opposed to Australian personnel participating in the British training program Operation Interflex.

As the cost-of-living and housing crises hit hard, Labor was re-elected in Victoria, despite a 5.8% negative swing which went both to the right and left. The socialist vote was encouraging.

The Anthony Albanese Labor government of Australia should immediately condemn Turkey's brutal aggression against Kurdish communities in Syria and Iraq with the same force as it condemned the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Make no mistake, DjabWurrung Gunnai Gunditjmara woman Senator Lidia Thorpe is under attack because of her militancy

Progressives need to build support for the right of the peoples of the Pacific to self-determination, free from interference, including from our own government

The Socialist Alliance National Council Meeting on September 18 amended Russia out of Ukraine! No to NATO expansionism and Reject war drive on China: For a foreign policy based on justice, human rights and climate action.

Socialist Alliance candidates have been preselected for the upcoming State Election on November 26.

Paul Keating has rejected the Greens' criticism that Labor adopted neoliberalism. Alex Bainbridge argues that Labor's policies on superannuation and Medicare are examples of user-pays systems that privilege the well-off.

Socialist Alliance condemns the politically motivated arrest of Walden Bello by the Marcos government in the Philippines.

Despite the Treasurer saying in his July 28 economic statement that workers’ wages are not to blame for inflation, the government is not coming up with solutions to address wage stagnation.

Socialist Alliance representatives have joined international calls for a "No Fly Zone" over northern Syria to prevent Turkish genocide of the Kurdish majority in the region.