Socialist Alliance news & updates

Keep up with all the latest news and updates from Socialist Alliance. Also check out Our Common Cause, our regular column in Green Left.

NSW Senate candidates, Susan Price and Sharlene Leroy-Dyer have been nominated as an NTEU Higher Education Defenders. Read more to see why Socialist Alliance's stands for free, quality public education at all levels.

In response to the Liberal Party's ad, using a fake tradesperson to promote their policies, the CFMEU has produced their own video, allowing real tradies to tell Malcolm Turnbull what they think about the LNP:

Pre-polling has begun! How to vote for Socialist Alliance in New South Wales, Victoria and Western Australia.

"Let's take the big banks head on over their crimes and their attempts to cover up their massive financial rip-offs, and nationalise them under workers' and community control," said Peter Boyle, Socialist Alliance candidate for the seat of Sydney.

The Walyalup-Fremantle branch of the Socialist Alliance is pleased to announce that Chris Jenkins will be its candidate for Fremantle in the coming federal election.

Ken Canning, lead Senate candidate for Socialist Alliance in the federal election asks if the Daily Telegraph seriously thinks Aboriginal people laid out the red carpet for James Cook?

Socialist Alliance's 2016 Federal Election Platform: Australia is a wealthy country, but the reality is that 60% of that wealth is in the hands of the richest 20%, while the poorest 20% own virtually nothing. We need a radically different future!

Aboriginal activist and writer Ken Canning will head the Socialist Alliance NSW Senate ticket in the coming federal election. "I've joined this election campaign to build a people's movement".

Injustice has become law and, in our millions, we are resisting.

"We need to replace the whole punitive detention system with a humane, community-based refugee processing system. The opportunity to build the movement is now, and we cannot waste a moment."

Socialist Alliance (Australia) condemns the murder by the Pakistani military on January 30 of Dr Mannan Baloch, Secretary General of Baloch National Movement (BNM), and four other BNM members.

Sam Watson: "There are challenges facing the Aboriginal rights movement in 2016. We are under concerted attack, just like the trade union movement. We urgently need to come together and unite in solidarity with each other."