Socialist Alliance news & updates

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Moreland Councillor and Socialist Alliance member Sue Bolton will be standing for re-election in October 2016. The election of Sue to the Moreland council in 2012 was significant for several reasons.

The arrests of Victorian CFMEU officials, State Secretary, John Setka and Assistant Secretary Shaun Reardon, demonstrate that the Royal Commission into Trade Union Governance and Corruption is purely a witch hunt against unions.

More than 2000 People's Climate Marches were held over the weekend of November 27 to 29. In Australia more than 140,000 people took to the streets to show they care, passionately, about climate change. They are also angry at government inaction, as illustrated by the many homemade placards and props.

The impacts of neo-liberalism, including rising unemployment (up to 25% in areas like Broadmeadows), the crisis in housing; cuts to social services and attacks on workers' rights, provide fertile ground for the far right to organise, if left unchallenged by the progressive movement.

A statement released by activists regarding the disappointing conclusion of a Sydney Reclaim Australia counter-protest.

On November 22 in cities around Australia, anti racists will be mobilising to defend the rights of refugees, Muslim communities and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. These demonstrations have been organised as counter protests to nationally coordinated actions by Reclaim Australia, a racist group targeting Muslim communities.

Since 2 November the neighbourhoods of Tekel, Mescit and Konak in the town of Silvan in the province of Diyarbakır in South East Turkey have been under the occupation of Turkish police special forces and the Turkish army.
The Socialist Alliance (Australia) adds it voice to the global condemnation of the terror bombing of a peace rally organised by trade unions, NGOs, the Peoples Democratic Party (HDP) and other progressive parties in Ankara on October 10. So far, 128 people have died from this bombing and some 500 have been wounded.
This is a speech given by Socialist Alliance member Dave Holmes on September 12, at Melbourne rally protesting regime's attacks on Kurdish communities across Turkey. The event was organised by the Kurdish Association of Victoria.
The Socialist Alliance is proud to support the rally in solidarity with the people of Greece on Sunday June 28, 12 noon, Martin Place, Sydney, organised by Australia-Greece Solidarity Campaign.
The campaign against racism and the far right needs needs a clear understanding of racism and fascism and how to fight these threats.