Oppose the coups in Latin America! Solidarity with the people of Venezuela and Brazil!

We, the undersigned, condemn the destabilization plan underway in Venezuela against President Nicolas Maduro. We send our solidarity to President Maduro and the Venezuelan people who are resisting attempts by right-wing opposition forces to oust a democratically-elected government by violent means in violation of the democratic vote of the people and the country’s constitution.
We also condemn the recent coup against President Dilma Rousseff in Brazil, who was impeached by the vote of a handful of Senators, despite there being no evidence of any wrongdoing against her. In removing Dilma, the Brazilian right-wing have undemocratically overturned the vote of over 50 million citizens who voted for her less than two years ago. We reject and refuse to recognize the illegitimate government of Michel Temer and express our solidarity with those on the streets today demanding Fora Temer! (Temer Out!).
These recent events – the coup in Brazil and attempted coup in Venezuela – are part of a broader political process directed against those governments in the region who have sought to address the needs of the people and the struggles that helped bring them to power. In particular, this plan seeks to defeat the Venezuelan people and their Bolivarian revolution.
This plan is not new: there have already been several similar coup attempts; some have succeed (in Honduras and Paraguay), and some have failed (Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador).
It is also no secret who is behind this plan: big business, right-wing parties and governments in the region, the corporate media and, most importantly, the United States government.
These are the same interests that were behind the military coup against President Salvador Allende in Chile in 1973. September 11 will be the 43th anniversary of the coup that imposed a repressive regime and resulted in thousands of people been killed or disappeared. Today, the Chilean people are still fighting for real democracy and better living conditions. Their struggle continues and is a constant reminder of why coups must never be allowed to happen again.
We reiterate our support for President Rousseff and President Maduro, and our solidarity with the peoples of Latin America who are fighting back against these attacks on democracy.
We make a call for all progressive, peace supporting and solidarity organizations to step up solidarity work with the people of Latin America, particularly the Venezuelan people. Through their struggles, the people of Venezuela and Latin America have inspired millions and contributed to the building of progressive causes around the world. Now - more than ever - is the time to repay this solidarity with solidarity.
Viva Maduro and Dilma!
Viva the people of Venezuela, Brazil and Latin America!
Initial signatories:
Australia-Cuba Friendship Society WA Branch
Australians for Democracy in Brazil, Melbourne
Australian Solidarity with Latin America (ASLA), Brisbane
Australia-Venezuela Cultural Association, Canberra
Australia Venezuela Solidarity Network (AVSN)
Casa Latinoamericana-Victoria
Chileans In Australia
Chile Solidarity Campaign (Melbourne)
Colombia Demand Justice Campaign
Committee for Human Rights in Chile, Sydney
Committee for Human Rights in Guatemala, Sydney
Committee in Solidarity with Cuba Western Suburbs
Committee in Solidarity with Mexico, Sydney
Committee in Solidarity with the Citizen's Revolution in Ecuador, Sydney
Communist Party of Australia
Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN) Committee "Dra Melida Anaya Montes", Adelaide
Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN) Committee, Sydney
Friends of the Frente Patriotico Manuel Rodriguez, Sydney
Green Left Weekly
Ibiray Group (Sydney)
Latin American Indigenous community campaign, Friends of the Earth
Latin America Social Forum, Sydney
Latin American Solidarity Network (LASNET)
Latin American Womens Program Community Radio 3CR
Mapuche Mawida Group, Sydney
Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney branch
MASIL, Melbourne
No Impunity in Chile support group, Canberra
Resistance, Young Socialist Alliance
Salvador Allende Monument in Sydney Inc
Socialist Alliance
United for Colombia
UNRG-MAIZ (Guatemalan National Revolutionary Unity - Broad Movement of the Left), Australia
Venezuela Solidarity Campaign (Melbourne)
Warren Smith, Assistant National Secretary, Maritime Union of Australia