We call on the Australian government to immediately make a public statement calling for release of People's Democratic Party (HDP) representatives from detention and of opposition to the Turkish government's attempts to ban the HDP.
International solidarity
We, the undersigned organisations, strongly condemn the military coup in Burma. The current coup is a great set back to the little achievement of the transition process towards democracy in Burma for the last decade.
The Socialist Alliance strongly condemns the February 1 military coup in Myanmar/Burma and the detention of Aung San Suu Kyi and other leaders of the National League for Democracy (NLD) which won 83% of the vote in the general election last November and calls on the Australian government to deny any recognition to the coup regime.
Socialist Alliance recognises that Australia has joined with imperialist allies including the United States as the aggressors in the growing trade war with China.
The Socialist Alliance of Australia condemns the October 9 agreement between the Iraqi government and the KRG to destroy the autonomy of the Yazidi community in Sinjar/Shengal
Morocco's occupation of Western Sahara has always been illegitimate. We recognise Western Sahara as belonging to the Saharawi people and the Polisario Front as the legitimate representatives of Saharawi people and express solidarity with them in their David and Goliath struggle.
This long, dirty war has very deliberately been conducted in secret.
Biden’s narrow win provides only some relief from Trumpite racism and all its associated dangers, because his political approach differs little in substance (as opposed to style) from Trump, institutional racism remains.
We stand in solidarity with the protest movement in Thailand
Australia must call on all countries to distance themselves diplomatically from the hard-right regime in Turkey.
The Socialist Alliance stands in solidarity with the People's Democratic Party (HDP) in Turkey in condemning the anti-democratic attacks waged by the Erdoğan regime against the popular left wing party.
The Socialist Alliance supports the call by the RiseUp4Rojava campaign, Women Defend Rojava, the Internationalist Commune of Rojava and Make Rojava Green Again for a global commemoration on July 18-19 of the eighth anniversary of the Rojava Revolution in north and east Syria.