Jade "Nova" Sobieralski – Senate (WA)

Jade’s activism started with their involvement in the marriage equality campaign and they have fought tirelessly for Queer liberation ever since, emphasising the need for a sincere, grassroots movement that is based on radical solidarity between oppressed social groups and the wider working class.
Transgender people are increasingly under attack around the world, most recently with the banning of evidence based best practice healthcare for transgender youth in Queensland. The Labor Party has not been a consistent friend to the Queer community either, capitulating to calls for a national inquiry into transgender healthcare.
Jade, and their drag persona “Tequila Richman”, are on the front line fighting back against these attacks.
As Jade explains, “every gain the LGBTQIA+ community has seen has come from the hard work of countless grassroots queer activists. The same is true of every improvement in the lives of oppressed and working people. That is the understanding Socialist Alliance brings to politics. We are an activist party”.
Jade is also autistic and a proud advocate for disability rights. They are currently undertaking a certificate course in Auslan in the hopes of becoming an interpreter, and in so doing making activism a little bit more accessible.