Alex Bainbridge – Seat of Rankin (Qld)

Alex Bainbridge
Alex Bainbridge

Alex Bainbridge is a Green Left photographer and journalist and long time socialist activist.

He has played active and leading roles in a large number of social movement campaigns over 35 years. Currently, he is active in Justice for Palestine Magan-djin.

Alex believes that the genocide in Gaza is a wake up call for us all. “If the rich countries like the USA and Australia can get away with supporting a live-streamed genocide in the 21st century, it will shape the entire future for all humanity.”

“You can't expect justice for yourself if you're not prepared to support justice for others. Similarly, defending our rights here depends on us standing up against injustices”

Jim Chalmers presides over an electorate where more than 70% of all households are facing housing stress (85% of renters are in rental stress)! As treasurer, he could be taking steps to solve the housing crisis, but so far the Labor government has only made the most inadequate, tokenistic response.

“I'm running to help build up the popular resistance to whichever capitalist government is elected - Labor or Liberal. It's true we've got a long way to go, but we have to start here and now.”

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Socialist Alliance Queensland
BSB: 064128
Acc: 1013 2292

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Alex Bainbridge for Rankin