
Biden’s narrow win provides only some relief from Trumpite racism and all its associated dangers, because his political approach differs little in substance (as opposed to style) from Trump, institutional racism remains.

There has been a surge of support for socialist candidates in the Victorian local councils elections, with four socialists elected to three councils.

Online conference — October 24-25. Hosted by Green Left, with the support of the Socialist Alliance.

Postal ballots for the Victorian local government elections have started going out from the beginning of this week. We'd like to urge you to vote socialist if at all possible in your area and encourage your friends in Victoria to do likewise if you live interstate.

In collaboration with Resistance Books, Socialist Alliance has set up a new page on its website called PDFs for study & education

The wages share of national income has fallen to below 50% for the first time since 1959

While Victorian Socialists showed great potential when it was formed in early 2018 and ran two big and exciting socialist election campaigns, it has not lived up to its promise to build a more united left.

The slogan “There’s no going back to normal” has gained considerable popularity for good reason. As governments all around the world have struggled to deal with the health and economic challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, they have been forced to take emergency steps they would not have countenanced just months ago, challenging the idea that greater public spending to address social needs is simply unaffordable.

This year May Day, takes place in the midst of the global COVID-19 crisis, which reminds the working class across the world that the fight for a just, safer and better world for all is impossible without the solidarity, organisation and mobilisation of the working people to demand for genuine social change.  

The COVID-19 crisis has revealed (once again) how the profits-first capitalist system fails to look after the needs of ordinary people. Here are five lessons of the crisis.

If there is one thing the recent unprecedented bushfire emergency has proved to us in Australia — and to millions in countries who watched on in horror — is that the climate emergency is not just something to worry about in the future: this is the climate emergency and it is already catastrophic.

Big corporations fund Australia’s two “parties of government”. They received more than $430 million from corporate Australia in the year leading up to the May 2019 federal election. This is a record amount: $150 million more than the previous highest total.