There is absolutely nothing “sensible” about being in the centre. Today’s world demands we take sides.
Socialist Alliance is calling on all Labor and crossbench MPs in the Senate to join with the Greens to vote down the TPP.
The task of building a stronger socialist left in this country remains.
The internal rifts inside the Liberal Party means the task of building a stronger socialist left in this country is even more urgent.
Before the “super Saturday” byelections on July 28, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull was saying the outcome would be a “test of leadership”. Then he lost all five contests and changed his tune.
The federal Coalition government's so-called "tax reform" represents a major escalation of the capitalist class war against the poor and working people.
The wealthy and corporations got a visit from Santa Claus, but the rest of us got Scrooged again on Budget night.
Newcastle unionist and socialist, Steve O'Brien proudly waves the red flag for workers rights on May Day.
We have a chance to get a socialist elected to parliament. If we’re successful, it will be the first time since 1944.
We shouldn’t confuse the idea of a liveable income as a right with UBI.
People are turned off participating in the political process in Australia but they are also moving leftward in their political attitudes.
Moreland City Council has joined 10 South Australian local councils calling for an increase in the Newstart Allowance thanks to a motion from Sue Bolton.