
Joint declaration of Socialism 2021 conference organisers

Under the cover of applying “one vote, one value” to elections for Western Australia's Legislative Council, last month WA Labor also pushed through legislation that disadvantages smaller political parties.

Socialist Alliance submitted a list of 1650 members to the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) on December 2 in order to maintain electoral registration.

Socialism 2021 is the latest in a series of international socialism conferences that began in 2005.

Corruption is not an accidental feature of these parties, nor the result of individual greed or weakness. It is a structural feature of a system geared to protecting the interests of a few at the expense of the many, and cannot be ended without revolutionary change.

Three days of workshops and panels, featuring local and international speakers. Online and in person at locations including Brisbane, Cairns, & Perth. Book tickets now!

Andrew Chuter and Rachel Evans will run for the Socialist Alliance (SA) in the next New South Wales Senate election, with further candidates to be announced. The two long-term community and union activists were pre-selected at SA’s state conference on October 2.

Socialist Alliance is co-organising (with Green Left) the Ecosocialism 2021 conference on October 23-24.

The conference will open on the evening of Friday October 22 with a feature session on Capitalism is in crisis - ecosocialist feminists speak out. The session features Brid Smith (People Before Profit/Solidarity member of the Irish Parliament), Kavita Krishnan (Communist Party of India ML -Liberation), and Nilüfer Koç (Kurdistan National Congress External Affairs Commission spokesperson).

Two new PDF downloads are available on the SA website about Cuba.

After more than a year of the COVID-19 pandemic, working people around the world have been suffering and victimized by the global capitalist system that failed to protect people’s lives and livelihood.

Some of the policies we are proposing that no other party is actively campaigning on include: land rights; net zero emissions within 10 years, bringing strategic monopolised sectors of the economy into democratic public ownership, restricting residential rent increases to the consumer price index, 30,000 new public housing dwellings in four years and; sustainable transport solutions as a better alternative to both Roe 8 and building an Outer Harbour.

The Facebook ban on Australian media sites is a demonstration of the power of the tech giants and a compelling illustration of why they need to be brought under democratic control.