Socialist Alliance delegates discussed global and domestic political developments and decided on directions and campaign priorities at its 17th national conference.
While Socialist Alliance supports the right of the Ukrainian people to resist the Russian invasion and to access military assistance to do so, including military training, it is opposed to Australian personnel participating in the British training program Operation Interflex.
The Anthony Albanese Labor government of Australia should immediately condemn Turkey's brutal aggression against Kurdish communities in Syria and Iraq with the same force as it condemned the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Not only are we being told to prepare for war with China, but to expect it. It’s the stuff of nightmares.
Socialist Alliance representatives have joined international calls for a "No Fly Zone" over northern Syria to prevent Turkish genocide of the Kurdish majority in the region.
Joint statement of the Southeast Asian Left on the US-led ‘Triad of Aggression’ — AUKUS-IPEF-QUAD
Young climate activists understand the link between war and climate destruction, and that the most vulnerable are the first, and worst, affected
Australia’s foreign and military policy is not a force for good in the world. Australia is one of a small clutch of imperialist powers that extracts vast wealth from the 85% of the global population who live in the less developed countries.
Tens of thousands of Afghan civilians have been killed. We will never know the true extent of this disaster because counting was never systematic. It was bad at the beginning, and worsened under the Barak Obama administration which relaxed its “rules of engagement” for airstrikes.
The insistence on Israel’s “right to exist” is really a demand for the maintenance of a supremacist “Jewish’’ state, in which Palestinians are second-class citizens.
The withdrawal of combat troops from Afghanistan is a welcome development. But it doesn’t mean that the warmongers in Canberra and Washington have been defeated.
Socialist Alliance recognises that Australia has joined with imperialist allies including the United States as the aggressors in the growing trade war with China.