If #Libspill can be summed up as the “madness of Abbott”, we have to recognise that this and other symptoms of political “madness” (such as Trump) are expressions of the dangerous times we live in.
The task of building a stronger socialist left in this country remains.
The internal rifts inside the Liberal Party means the task of building a stronger socialist left in this country is even more urgent.
Leaked reports of atrocities and misconduct point to troops in Afghanistan and Iraq being part of the problem, not the solution.
Australia is continuing to avoid any possibility that it might stand up for Palestinian sovereignty and human rights with its behaviour at the United Nations.
Socialist Alliance condemns the Australian government for its endorsement of the April 13 missile bombardment of Damascus and Homs by the US, Britain and France.
Turkey’s war on Afrin is an attack not only on Kurdish self-determination, but on democracy and women's liberation in the Middle East.
The Socialist Alliance condemns the air, land and artillery attack by the Turkish military and other terrorist forces on Afrin, a canton in the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria (Rojava).
The Federal government's new security measures won't be limited to fighting the 'war on terror' and will undermine civil liberties.
The Australian government is continuing military cooperation with the genocidal Myanmar regime, despite its attacks on Rohingya civilians.
The Australia-US alliance has led to Australian involvement in numerous wars, from Korea in the 1950s, and Vietnam in the ’60s and ’70s, to more recent conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria.
The normalisation of the war on terror has become the standard refrain from the mainstream media (MSM), which would rather sensationalise and beat up stories of petty crime than investigate corporate crime.