
The only facts that the public know about the death of Melbourne teenager Numan Haider is that he was shot and killed by the police on September 23 and that two Victorian police officers were stabbed.
The latest raft of “anti-terror” legislation will severely limit civil rights and comes in the context of Australian forces being committed to a new war in Iraq.
More than 800 police carried out simultaneous raids on houses in Sydney and Brisbane on September 18. Fifteen people were detained as a result, but only two were charged.
The Socialist Alliance condemns the Abbott Liberal-National government's proposal to become an “enhanced partner” of the NATO imperialist military alliance in Europe.
The following statement was adopted by the Socialist Alliance national executive on September 4, 2014 in response to the Australian government's decision to join the US and other imperialist states in a new military intervention in Iraq.
On the recommendation of Shamikh Badra from the Palestinian People's Party in Gaza, the Socialist Alliance in Australia is launching a special appeal for funds to help the Palestinian people recover from Israel's latest genocidal war.
The Socialist Alliance conveys its condolences to the families of all its victims of the suspected shooting down to Malaysian Airlines flight 17 over war-torn eastern Ukraine but it rejects the inflammatory Cold-War-style political posturing by both Liberal PM Tony Abbott and Labor opposition leader Bill Shorten.
These are the details of the next round of rallies around Australia in solidarity with Gaza. Sydney rally for Gaza, Sun 27 July. If a rally has been organised in your city/town but is not listed here please send a message to the Socialist Alliance national office with the details.
Protest rallies will be taking place around the country this weekend in response to Israel's rampage against Gaza (and the West Bank).
In the past week, Israeli military forces have escalated their offensive on the Gaza Strip. Israeli warplanes have increasingly targeted houses, civilian-populated areas and civilian facilities in the Gaza strip.
The US, Australia and other partners-in-crime in the war on Iraq must not be allowed to use the latest developments in that country to increase their military intervention in the region.
Australia has escaped recession for more than two decades, despite the impact of the Asian and global financial crises on the world's economies.