Socialist Alliance news & updates

Keep up with all the latest news and updates from Socialist Alliance. Also check out Our Common Cause, our regular column in Green Left.

The NSW government’s decision to strip council of planning powers is another reason to put the Liberals last on polling day on Saturday September 9.

The pro-market, anti-people policies of all the major parties at the local, state and federal levels has placed shelter — a vital human need — in second place to profits.

Geelong council candidates Sue Bull and Sarah Hathway demand answers about Geelong's recycling and waste.

This week is Homelessness Week. It's also the week when the 76 homeless people sleeping in Martin Place are being threatened with forcible removal by the NSW Liberal government.

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian’s surprise decision on July 27 to abandon plans for more local council mergers is a win for communities who strongly protested this undemocratic decision say Socialist Alliance candidates.

Students say report "confirms what we’ve known for decades: that a culture of rape has become endemic through the inaction of universities."

“We need to return Newcastle to a vision that builds community rather than destroy and denigrate it.”

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian’s recent decision to abandon plans for more local councils mergers is a win for communities who strongly protested this undemocratic decision.

Socialist Alliance candidates running in the Inner West Council will ask NSW Labor leader Luke Foley to commit to rip up the contracts on WestConnex at the NSW Labor Party Conference in Sydney this weekend.

The shock resignations from parliament of Greens Senators Scott Ludlam and Larissa Waters highlights one of many undemocratic features in the Australian Constitution.

Socialist Alliance candidates standing for the Inner West Council will join communities on the Lantern Procession Against WestConnex on Saturday July 22.

Solidarity with the Kurdish freedom struggle was stepped up at an inspiring conference held in Melbourne over the June 30–July 1 weekend.