Socialist Alliance
Book your tickets for the upcoming Ecosocialism 2023 - A World Beyond Capitalism conference taking place on July 1-2 in Melbourne.
The Socialist Alliance sends its warmest fraternal greetings to the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) on the eve of the 21st hearing in the "Kobane" show trial against 108 HDP leaders, 28 of whom are currently being held in prison.
The Socialist Alliance passes resolution that Labor's Indigenous Voice to Parliament will be another token gesture, unless the government is forced by a strong popular movement to take real measures towards First Nations justice
While Socialist Alliance supports the right of the Ukrainian people to resist the Russian invasion and to access military assistance to do so, including military training, it is opposed to Australian personnel participating in the British training program Operation Interflex.
The Socialist Alliance National Council Meeting on September 18 amended Russia out of Ukraine! No to NATO expansionism and Reject war drive on China: For a foreign policy based on justice, human rights and climate action.
Socialist Alliance supports the mass protest movement in Iran that has developed in response to the killing of Mahsa Amini by the Iranian authorities.
Socialist Alliance condemns the politically motivated arrest of Walden Bello by the Marcos government in the Philippines.
The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation’s new Strategic Concept, which Australia has signed up to, risks provoking another major war in the Asia-Pacific and should be opposed.
Socialist Alliance welcomes the success of Sri Lanka’s mass protest movement in forcing President Gotabaya Rajapaksa's removal and calls on the federal government to provide humanitarian, not military, aid to Sri Lanka.
Joint statement of the Southeast Asian Left on the US-led ‘Triad of Aggression’ — AUKUS-IPEF-QUAD