Women’s Rights

Sue Bolton, a Socialist Alliance councillor in Moreland, has come under heavy pressure for refusing to be cowed by the Victorian Police, sections of her own council and the racist right-wing. 

A new wave of feminists is appearing, but sexism and misogyny in Australia is alive and well and still thrives among the younger generation.

This International Women's Day falls at a time when the environmental and economic crises of global capitalism are making life even harder for most women and the communities they live and work in.

Capitalism's crisis is hitting hard in the US and across Europe. It is particularly dire in Greece where school teachers and other essential service workers are being thrown out of work or being forced to take pay cuts of between 40-50%. Working-class women are being hit especially hard.

Workers in this country urgently need to rebuild fighting, democratic unionism that abides by the age-old principle "Touch One, Touch All". Nothing else stands between us and low pay, speed-ups and stress at work, and exploitation by the employer.
The myth of Australia as a post-sexist society prevails under Minister for Women, Tony “What the housewives of Australia need to understand as they do the ironing” Abbott.
“Greece is turning the page,” SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras told an ecstatic crowd on January 25. The radical left party had just come first in historic elections in Greece with 36.3% of the vote.
The White Ribbon is a public symbol that family violence is a problem. Women have the right to live a life free from gender-based violence. The fact that White Ribbon Day exists is a tribute to the generations of women and men who have campaigned to have family violence recognised as a crime and a serious problem in society.
Kobane’s heroic resistance to the ‘Islamic State’ gangs has won admiration and support around the world.

Radical Ideas is a conference for young people who are looking to build the politics of an alternative. It is a weekend of discussion and debate on how young people can best organise to build a new politics for radically more democratic, equal and just future.

This updated resolution was adopted by the Socialist Alliance National Council on October 4.

Finance minister Mathias Cormann has threatened the opposition parties that if they continue to block key budget measures — such as the demolition of universal health care and welfare, the deregulation of university fees, and the hike in the interest rate on student HECS debts — then the government would be forced to look at raising taxes.
For the fifth time since their election in September last year, thousands of Australians will take to the streets in protest against Tony Abbott Coalition's government.