Women’s Rights

Australia has escaped recession for more than two decades, despite the impact of the Asian and global financial crises on the world's economies.
Indian feminist and socialist Kavita Krishnan was the keynote speaker at the People's Power in the “Asian Century” seminar in Sydney on June 7. The seminar was held as part of the Socialist Alliance’s 10th national conference over the weekend of June 7-9.
The demand of tens of thousands of people who marched through the streets in cities around Australia on May 18 was clear. They want the federal government’s killer budget blocked.

The turnout and energy at the March in May rallies on May 18 proved that people are not going to take this budget lying down.

And so it begins — an offensive, on behalf of the Australian ruling class and corporate interests, to steal the future from the majority of Australians, to dismantle what remains of our social welfare system, in order to carry out, in the words of Treasurer Joe Hockey, "the government's solemn duty ... to build a stronger Australia".
Kavita Krishnan has become a well-known international spokesperson for the movement against sexual violence in India that grew after an horrific, internationally-publicised, gang rape of a student in Delhi in 2012.
A casino was a fitting venue to host Prime Minister Tony Abbott's keynote address to the 25th anniversary dinner of conservative think tank the Sydney Institute on April 28.
One of the international guests at the coming 10th national conference of the Socialist Alliance, to be held in Sydney June 7-9, 2014, will be Farooq Tariq, the general secretary of the Awami Workers Party in Pakistan.

Indian socialist and feminist, Kavita Krishnan will be one of the international guests from the Asia-Pacific region at the 10th national conference of the Socialist Alliance, to be held in Sydney over the long weekend of June 7-9.

The March in March protests across Australia over March 15-17 were a resounding success – not just because of their size, focus and breadth.
The wage gap between women and men is increasing, the number of women in poverty is growing, women’s reproductive rights are under attack, violence against women is on the increase, there is no marriage equality for LGBTIQ people and gender discrimination is rife.
Tens of thousands of people gathered at vigils around Australia over the weekend of February 22 to 23 to protest the brutal killing of asylum seeker Reza Berati inside the Manus Island detention camp in Papua New Guinea.