Radical Ideas Conference December 5th-7th

RADICAL IDEAS 2015 is a 3-day conference of discussion, debate and ideas for radical change!
Hosted by Resistance: Young Socialist Alliance
For more info, visit: www.radicalideasconference.com
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In a world that is increasingly devastated by austerity, militarism and a looming ecological crisis, millions of young people are looking around for an alternative to the unjust social structures and policies that reign across the globe. In the face of neo-liberal economic policies and increasingly violent and oppressive governments, new movements are rising to challenge the powers that be.
However, what is not always clear is that there is a viable alternative to the global economic system, and that alternative is worth struggling for.
Radical Ideas is a conference for young people who are looking to build the politics of an alternative. It is a weekend of discussion and debate on how young people can best organise to build a new politics for radically more democratic, equal and just future. It is a conference for socialist, feminist, environmentalist and anti-racist youth to come together and unite around the issues we care about.
The Radical Ideas conference will be held in Geelong, Victoria from Friday 5th December to Sunday 7th December at the Geelong Trades Hall. 127 Myers Street, Geelong, Victoria, 3220.
On Monday the 8th of December Resistance: Young Socialist Alliance members and invited guests will participate in closed sessions to elect a new leadership of Resistance, skill sharing sessions, and other decision making sessions.
Radical Ideas is hosted by Resistance: Young Socialist Alliance, which is the youth wing of the Socialist Alliance.
For the full conference agenda and accommodation information please visit the official conference website. www.radicalideasconference.com | Facebook Event
Conference Agenda
Panel Sessions Ecosocialism Workers, Students and Anti-Raccism Admin / Breaks Women + LGBTIA Intro to MarxismFriday 5 December
5:30 - 6:30PMDinner - - - Back carpark
Down with the Empire
Fighting Imperial Power and Fundamentalism
Guest Speakers
Farooq Tariq Awami Workers Party Pakistan
Dilek Geylik Australia Kurdish Association
Jemma Nott Resistance: Young Socialist Alliance
Lower Hall
Saturday 6 December
Time Upstairs Council Chambers Activist Center CBUS Office 9 - 9:30am Registration & BreakfastMain Foyer 9:30 - 10am Welcome + Housekeeping
Upstairs Council Chambers 10 - 11:30am
Living On The Line
Young People and the Austerity Agenda
The Revolution Lives!
The Cuban and Venezuelan Examples
Socialism and Intersectionality 1:15 - 2:15pm EYEWITNESS ACCOUNT
From Palestine
Upstairs Council Chambers
Lunch available - - - Back carpark
2:15 - 3:45pm Genocide, White Supremacy and the Origins of Australian RacismDialectical Materialism
The Philosophy of Science and Nature
Lock The Gate
Community Struggles Against Mining
Decolonisation and Indigenous Struggle
Guest Speakers
Shamikh Badra Palestinian People's Party
Viv Malo First Nations Activist
Aran Mylvaganam Tamil Refugee Council
Lower Hall
Sunday 7 December
Time Upstairs Council Chambers Activist Center CBUS Office 9 - 10am Registration & BreakfastMain Foyer 10 - 11:30am
Solidarity Forever
Socialists in the Trade Union Movement
The Campaign Against the East-West Link
Community Versus Corporate Greed
No One Is Illegal
The Struggle for Refugee Rights
A Guide to Action
“Ours To Master And Own”
A History of Workers' Power
Resisting Ecocide
Climate Change and Capitalism
Closing night panel
Another World Is Possible
Building A Revolutionary Movement Today
Guest Speakers
Angus McAllen Resistance: Young Socialist Alliance
Gemma Weedall Resistance: Young Socialist Alliance
Heleyni Pratley Fightback New Zealand
Lower Hall
7:15pm onwardsENTERTAINMENT
Pizza and drinks available - - - Lower Hall