Workers’ Rights and Industrial

Socialist Alliance opposes the attacks on the CFMEU by the Albanese government and the corporate media.
Labor’s package to help women escape violence is welcome but not nearly enough. Angela Carr argues that we need to be clear on what drives men to commit violence against women and address that, as well as assisting victim/survivors.
While the Royal Commission report into Robodebt did not recommend systemic compensation to the victims, it did suggest lifting the rate for social security benefits

Socialist Alliance is running in the 2023 NSW state election. Check out a playlist to see some of the videos produced as part of this campaign.

Given how many are being crunched by the cost-of-living crisis, public sentiment would be on the unions’ side if they took united action for wage rises

Claims the new IR laws will close the gender pay gap and strengthen equal pay laws are welcome. However, the laws will divide workers and weaken the Better Off Overall Test.

Labour shortages give unions a stronger bargaining position. We need to argue against racist and nationalistic tropes that migrant workers steal Australians’ jobs, while defending workplace safety, wages and conditions.

The new exemptions to Public Health Orders which can force sick workers to work represent a serious attack on workers' rights and their health and safety. Workers and our unions need to draw a line.

Socialist Alliance candidate, Sue Bolton, has condemned the Federal Government's announcement to phase out the COVID-19 Disaster Payment once 70% and 80% vaccination targets are reached.

John Setka, the Victorian state secretary of the construction division of the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU) is again in the news as a result of allegations about family violence. One thing is clear, he should stand down.

It’s obvious that the corporate-profits-first logic is incapable of dealing with the challenge of COVID-19 efficiently or fairly.

Even though different state governments are taking slightly different approaches, the reason for this debate is that governments — state and federal — are making corporate interests a higher priority than people’s health.