In light of the day-to-day prejudice that LGBTI people experience in Australia, urgent action is needed to secure the future of the Safe Schools Coalition.
NSW Senate candidates, Susan Price and Sharlene Leroy-Dyer have been nominated as an NTEU Higher Education Defenders. Read more to see why Socialist Alliance's stands for free, quality public education at all levels.
Resistance: Young Socialist Alliance is adding its voice to young people around the country in condemning several proposals by the Federal Coalition government which shift the cost burden for education onto young people.
The University of Western Sydney Bankstown 'Resistance Club' activists Mia Sanders and Ian Escandor have been elected to the Bankstown Student Campus Council (SCC) and the campus magazine CrUWSible editorial board.
The National Union of Students has organised a National Day of Action on March 25 with demands including no deregulated fees, more funding for universities and a fairer student income support system. Resistance put together 10 reasons to attend these rallies.
Fee deregulation will be resurrected this year. This gives education activists that general zombie-slayer feeling any sane human gets from fighting a piece of legislation you thought you had killed already. Here are some of the things someone with more money than you has said about fee deregulation and why they’re not completely accurate.
"The National Union of Students organises national days of action, in which students around the country take part in rallies to fight back against the latest round of attacks against public education. This year, students are continuing to fight the biggest attack on accessible education since HECS was introduced in 1989."