
The controversy created by Senator Fatima Payman’s exit from federal Labor points to the crisis of the two-party parliamentary system.
Labor is playing a game over Gaza. To claim to support a ceasefire while arming and giving political cover to the perpetrators of genocide is sick cynicism, argues Sam Wainwright
The Palestine solidarity movement is shaking politics up: 81% want Israel to ceasefire and 53% want Labor to take more action to achieve a ceasefire. Chloe DS reports
Labor and Coalition governments like to justify their policies as being based on supposed shared democratic values, which they then conflate with “Australian interests”. But the moral postering is coming underdone, as Peter Boyle argues.
Socialist Alliance condemns Israel and its Western allies, including Australia, for their role in escalating conflict in the Middle East.
Globally, the Palestine movement’s demand for an arms embargo on Israel has had some success. We need to keep up the pressure here, argues Sue Bolton.
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese's argument that long-term government is counterposed to pro-working class policies contains major flaws, argues Alex Bainbridge.

The Defence Strategic Review doesn’t contain any surprises. It abandons any pretence that military expenditure has anything to do with defence, conceding that it’s all about helping the United States project its military power into Asia.

We need a foreign policy that is based on justice and peace, not more militarism to prepare the country for a new cold war against China.

Socialist Alliance delegates discussed global and domestic political developments and decided on directions and campaign priorities at its 17th national conference.

While Socialist Alliance supports the right of the Ukrainian people to resist the Russian invasion and to access military assistance to do so, including military training, it is opposed to Australian personnel participating in the British training program Operation Interflex.

The Anthony Albanese Labor government of Australia should immediately condemn Turkey's brutal aggression against Kurdish communities in Syria and Iraq with the same force as it condemned the Russian invasion of Ukraine.