Our Common Cause

Our Common Cause is the column of Socialist Alliance in Green Left which is widely recognised as one of the most authoritative left-wing English-language sources of news and political analysis in print and online. Green Left covers many of the issues and campaigns that Socialist Alliance members are involved in.

Members and supporters are encouraged to promote Green Left while campaigning in their communities and workplaces and to become financial supporters of Green Left to ensure its ongoing production and distribution.

It is clear that Venezuela is experiencing a right-wing destabilisation campaign that not only seeks to remove President Maduro but to roll back the important gains of the country’s Bolivarian Revolution.

The legal system is failing Aboriginal people and exposes the depths of a racism that remains the bedrock of mainstream Australian culture.

Capitalism’s constant drive for profits cannot be reconciled with Earth’s defined boundaries. Ecological destruction is not a side-effect of capitalism, it is built into the system: there cannot be infinite growth when the planet has finite resources.

Arguably the best approach we can take to help create the conditions for a mass left-wing break to occur is to build the social movements.

Greens NSW Senator Lee Rhiannon is again the target of a very public attack — and it’s not being led by Murdoch but by the Greens federal parliamentary caucus.

The most striking lesson to take home from the recent UK election is that left wing ideas can win popular support in an advanced capitalist country today. They said Socialism was dead but veteran socialist Corbyn is proving them wrong.

We condemn the terror attacks in London and Manchester, but we also need to call out the cynical and dangerous response from those in charge who have one solution — more of the same.

Just two weeks ago, four young Muslim women wearing hijabs were assaulted right in front of the University of Technology Sydney at about 1.30pm. They were punched, one after another, by a woman they had not spoken to or interacted with in any way.

Complaints by conservative commentators that Treasurer Scott Morrison and Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull have delivered a “Labor budget” show how low expectations are that any federal government in Australia will deliver a budget aiming to advance genuine social justice in this country.

Deakin Uni student activist Sarah Hathway argues that free tertiary education can be provided for via a progressive taxation system that sees the individually wealthy and corporations pay their fair share of tax.

The government's move to scrap 457 visas was a political stunt designed to revive its flagging popularity by talking about giving "Aussie workers priority for Aussie jobs". This latest attempt at racist jingoism includes the changes to the citizenship test.

US President Donald Trump’s threat to unleash a new nuclear war should not be dismissed as the ravings of an unhinged individual. He may be that, but he has also shown that he is prepared to start a new war and ratchet up old ones.