Our Common Cause

Our Common Cause is the column of Socialist Alliance in Green Left which is widely recognised as one of the most authoritative left-wing English-language sources of news and political analysis in print and online. Green Left covers many of the issues and campaigns that Socialist Alliance members are involved in.

Members and supporters are encouraged to promote Green Left while campaigning in their communities and workplaces and to become financial supporters of Green Left to ensure its ongoing production and distribution.

If bosses could get away with it, the powers of the ABCC would be extended far beyond the construction industry. Their objective is to weaken the organisation and resistance of all workers to attacks, whether on penalty rates, the minimum wage or other conditions.
First, young people were told they should not think that they are entitled to rights, such as free education, permanent jobs, unemployment benefits and even pensions when they are too ill or old to work. Now the attack has shifted to the older generation.
The offshore detention hellholes of Nauru and Manus Island are becoming increasingly unviable as more damning reports are published and protests grow in Australia.
After ripping up Australia's commitment to the 1951 Refugee Convention on several occasions in the past, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull announced on October 30 that the Australian government intends to do so again.
Those who believe empowered communities are the best defence to politics-as-usual are celebrating the re-election of two hard-working socialist councillors in Victoria’s local council elections held on October 22.

Just as in the 21 countries where marriage equality has been won, we will have to win this democratic right on the streets here too.

The ABCC and Registered Organisations bills passed in the House of Representatives on October 18.
Today, there are 55 workers still camping outside Carlton & United Breweries (CUB) in Melbourne, 16 weeks after they were sacked when their employer lost the maintenance contract for the brewery.

If Labor and the Coalition really want to reduce the time students transitioning from education spend on welfare, they would boost rather than reduce the public service.

Newly elected Senator Pauline Hanson gave her maiden speech in the Senate on September 14 — 20 years after her first appearance as a parliamentarian in 1996.

Her incendiary speech outlined a far-right agenda of racist bigotry, misogyny and attacks on welfare rights.

The good turnout to national rallies on August 27 and 28 shows the refugee rights' movement is starting to gain political ground. A number of pro-asylum seeker groups are forming to force an end to the cruel policy of locking up refugees in offshore detention.

The 'taxed', the 'taxed nots' and Turnbull's class war.