Socialist Alliance news & updates

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Heatwaves kill and our cities and suburbs are not designed with sufficient trees to help lower surface temperatures.

Rachel Evans, lead Socialist Alliance candidate for the NSW Legislative Council, has joined those calling for immediate support for the Walgett community in North West NSW that ran out of water on January 3.

Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) activist Isaac Silver and Indian socialist Sucheta De will be special guests at the upcoming Socialist Alliance conference and activitist summer school.

Australia has not had a socialist parliamentarian, at the state or federal level, since the 1940s. But this may change at the November 24 Victorian state election.

Sucheta De, President of the All India Students Association will visit Australia in January for the Socialist Alliance Conference and Activist Summer School.

Susan Price: Parramatta boasts a diverse and cosmopolitan population, and that is one of its strengths.

The Socialist Alliance will contest the 2019 NSW State Election to put people in control of planning and to build community resistance to corporate greed.

Our new Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, takes credit for driving the Coalition government’s Orwellian-named “welfare reform strategy”, which has aimed at further punishing those already living below the poverty line.

Left parties and organisations across the Asia-Pacific condemn the violent repression of the peaceful protests by students in Bangladesh.

Leaked reports of atrocities and misconduct point to troops in Afghanistan and Iraq being part of the problem, not the solution.

As thousands of people attended vigils around the country for Eurydice Dixon, Socialist Alliance's Sue Bolton is angry about the victim-blaming and authoritarian measures being offered up as “solutions”.

A motion moved by Socialist Alliance councillor Sam Wainwright resulted in Fremantle Council becoming the 11th local government to support an increase in the Newstart allowance.