2024 Merri-Bek Council Elections

My name is Felix Dance and I am the Socialist Alliance endorsed candidate for the Randazzo Ward (east side Sydney Rd, Brunswick).

I am a Brunswick resident, civil engineer for major transport projects and father of a little toddler named Gretel.

I have long advocated for bike lanes and accessible tram stops in the Merri-bek area and have been extremely passionate about sustainability and climate justice issues.

My name is Jacob Andrewartha, and I am the Socialist Alliance endorsed candidate for the Pentridge Ward (east Coburg) in the upcoming Merri-bek council election.

I work as a childcare worker with history of involvement in the Pro-Palestine movement and Climate Justice.

I have been part of organising protests for Palestine in the local area with Merri-Bek & Northern Suburbs for Palestine.

Jordan Armaou-Massoud is Socialist Alliance endorsed candidate running for the Harmony Park ward.
Sue Bolton is the Bababi Djinanang Ward candidate for the Merri-bek council

Sue Bolton & Socialist Alliance is running for the upcoming Victorian Council Elections for the Merri-Bek Council in October.

Merri-bek is a great place to live but too many people are being pushed out to the outer suburbs because of skyrocketing rents and house prices. Rampant development is not making housing cheaper.