Re-Elect Sue Bolton: 2024 Merri-Bek Council Election Campaign

Sue Bolton is standing with a group of Socialist Alliance candidates for re-election to the Merri-bek council in October.

Since Sue was elected in 2012, she has worked to support community campaigns when communities have been ignored by council, other levels of government or corporations. Since becoming a councillor, Sue has held regular community meetings

Issues that Sue has taken up include:

  • Saving the Fawkner outdoor pool
  • Saving council services like aged care from privatisation
  • Opposing the closure of the Fawkner Bank & the Glenroy Post Office
  • Supporting the Ballerrt Mooroop First Nations Cultural Centre
  • Campaigning to increase public housing
  • Fighting for the rights of communities to have a say over developments
  • Getting action on traffic safety issues for pedestrians and cyclists
  • Saving open space for the community
  • Campaigning to fix the Upfield train line with duplication
  • Campaigning for accessible tram stops on Sydney Road
  • Pushing for council to phase out gas
  • Opposing to the genocide in Gaza
  • Opposing increases in rates and fees and charges above inflation

The state ALP government has abolished the proportional representation electoral system that most councils have used and imposed single member wards. This will make it harder for left and progressive candidates from small parties and independents to get elected.

If you value having a left and progressive voice on council, sign up to support the campaign.