Workers’ Rights and Industrial

The federal Coalition government has launched a broadside in favour of its plan to cut company tax for big corporations from 30% to 25%, while slashing spending on social welfare and the public sector, using the pretext of 'controversy' over an ABC journalist's article on the topic.

Barnaby Joyce thought he was untouchable. But for the Turnbull government in crisis, it now looks like he could be dispensable.

In Sydney, thousands of workers took to the streets on November 16 to demand an end to the Turnbull government's attacks on workers rights and conditions.

Socialist Alliance is running in the Queensland elections to help build an anti-capitalist current in Queensland and national politics.

Steve O'Brien writes on the legacy of the Russian Revolution in the Newcastle Herald.

The Federal government is trying to clamp down on the unions, and campaigning organisations such as GetUp!, by pushing tighter restrictions on their ability to campaign.

The time has come to scrap the misnamed Fair Work Act (FWA) and introduce genuine pro-worker and pro-union industrial relations legislation in this country.

Complaints by conservative commentators that Treasurer Scott Morrison and Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull have delivered a “Labor budget” show how low expectations are that any federal government in Australia will deliver a budget aiming to advance genuine social justice in this country.

Participation in May Day is an opportunity to express working class values of solidarity and unity.

The ABCC: When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty.

The Fair Work Commission’s decision comes at a time when wage growth in the private sector is at an all-time low.

Malcolm Turnbull and his ilk need to be kicked out, but workers cannot be satisfied with an end game of simply re-electing a Labor government.