
Climate tipping points are being passed and the Coalition government, Labor and the Greens are failing to come up with an adequate plan to meet this existential challenge.

Those crowing the loudest about the Black Lives Matter movement pushing “cancel culture” should take a good hard look at exactly who is cancelling whose culture — since 1788.

The Socialist Alliance supports the call by the RiseUp4Rojava campaign,  Women Defend Rojava, the Internationalist Commune of Rojava and Make Rojava Green Again for a global commemoration on July 18-19 of the eighth anniversary of the Rojava Revolution in north and east Syria.

The science is clear: to stop runaway warming we will need to create net zero emissions economies and societies well before 2050. At a minimum we need 100% renewable energy by 2030.

Union leaderships are still falling in behind the Australian Council of Trade Unions’ “re-elect Labour at all costs” strategy, which effectively ignores the seismic shift in public opinion around needing to take action on climate change. The planet, and communities being affected by climate change now, cannot wait while Anthony Albanese and the Australian Labor Party get their act together.

Morrison has to go and, if the outrage at his callous ineptitude compels the cabinet to sack him, that would be a good thing.

The horror of the devastating and apocalyptic fires in NSW and Victoria has not only dampened the New Year party mood, it has fanned anger over the government's obvious failure to respond to the climate emergency.

As the climate crisis pushes the planet past certain tipping points protests and resistance grow.

The challenge of making an ecosocialist revolution is huge — and there is no guarantee of victory. But there is no more noble goal in this time than to work with others to try to make it happen.

To overcome climate change, we have to transform society into one based on democracy and economic equality.

Far from being too radical, Labor’s shift to the left was too little too late, incomplete and sometimes more rhetoric than substance.

Socialist candidates are campaigning in the May 18 federal elections to put forward solutions to the growing wealth divide and looming environmental crisis.