Climate Change

Zane Alcorn argues why those concerned about global warming have a duty to show solidarity with communities on the frontline of the climate crisis they did not create. This includes coal workers, who need alternative, sustainable jobs.
Socialist Alliance opposes the criminalisation of climate activists and believe that fossil fuel capitalists are the real criminals.
As the climate emergency and extinction crises deepen, there is no choice but to struggle to democratise the economy so that it can be made to serve social needs and ecological sustainability. Peter Boyle reports.
New research suggests that with the present approach, global warming will exceed 1.5°C in the 202s and 2°C before 2050. But it is never too late to fight, argues Alex Bainbridge.

More than three decades after the 1992 Rio Earth Summit, no capitalist country has made any serious effort to decarbonise. Alex Bainbridge argues for system change.

It was notable that  Treasurer Jim Chalmers didn’t mouth the words “climate action” while spruiking the budget. That is because it didn’t contain a plan for the climate transition we need.
The negotiated amendments won by the Greens improved Labor’s initial terrible climate "safeguard mechanism", but are not enough to make it worthy of support.

Socialist Alliance candidate Isaac Nellist speaks to Green Left's Suzanne James about issues in the current NSW election.

Socialist Alliance is running in the 2023 NSW state election. Check out a playlist to see some of the videos produced as part of this campaign.

Premier Andrew’s energy announcement is a nod to the failures of privatisation the energy sector and the growing pressure to speed up the transition

Not only are we being told to prepare for war with China, but to expect it. It’s the stuff of nightmares.

Progressive people need to push back against the draconian police reppression of peaceful climate activists in Sydney.