For the Billions not the Billionaires: 2021 Western Australia election campaign
If elected we will reject the perks of parliamentary office and donate all income above an average worker's wage to campaigns for social change.
Australia is a wealthy country. We have the resources to guarantee everybody a decent life and to take genuine climate action. We are running in this election to help build a movement for people power not corporate power.
We seek your support as a step towards achieving the profound change that is needed and is possible. Our campaign is a contribution to that process. We need your support.
Socialist Alliance has chosen three activist candidates to take its message to Perth’s southern suburbs in the WA state election on Saturday 13 March 2021.
Policy platform
Black Lives Matter
- Treaty
- Real land rights
- Full implementation of the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody
- Independent investigatory Body for Police and Prison Guard Crimes
Housing is a Human Right
- 30,000 new public housing dwellings in four years
- Expand public housing stock by buying out defaulting mortgage holders and allowing them to stay as tenants
- Ban no-fault evictions for private tenants
- Peg private residential rent increases to CPI
- Private residential rentals left vacant for more than 12 months to be compulsorily managed by the Housing Authority
Climate Justice Now
- WA to be net zero emissions within 10 years
- Require 100% carbon offsets by the gas industry immediately
- No new gas projects (onshore or offshore), phase out existing gas industry. Ban fracking
- Metronet for the south west: Murdoch to Fremantle, Cockburn Central to Fremantle
Take Back the Wealth
- $5/tonne iron ore royalty levy
- Increase gas royalty payment
Save Freo Port
- Put freight on rail, eliminate empty running by trucks, incentivise off-peak truck movements and electric trucks
- Build the Freo Wind Farm
- No PPP port in Kwinana
We need your financial support!
We don't have any corporate donors, our people powered campaign needs your support.
Direct Debit
Socialist Alliance WA
BSB: 633 000
Account: 159 292 382
How To Vote
Preferential Voting Campaign Video
Sam Wainwright, Mar 9, 2021
Fremantle Vote for Socialist Alliance 1
South Metropolitan Vote for Socialist Alliance 1
Our candidates are actively involved in our campaigns across important state issues:
Black Lives Matter
Black Lives Matter Campaign Video
Marianne Mackay, Feb 19, 2021
Invasion Day 2021: Sovereignty never ceded; Justice now; No pride in genocide
Marianne Mackay, Jan 24, 2021
Housing is a Human Right
Housing is a Human Right Campaign Video
Sam Wainwright and Marianne Mackay, Jan 29, 2021
WA Labor Slashes Public Housing
Sam Wainwright, Nov 26, 2020
It’s a Climate Emergency
Fighting for ecological and social justice in the fossil fuel heartland (2020 Ecosocialism Conference)
Dirk Kelly, Oct 24, 2020
Confronting imperialism and building people power in the Global South (2020 Ecosocialism Conference)
Sam Wainwright, Oct 24, 2020
Take Back the Wealth
Green is Good, Socialist is Better
Sam Wainwright, Mar 5, 2021
Vote Anti Capitalist Campaign Video
Dirk Kelly, Mar 11, 2021
Save Freo Port
Save Freo Port Campaign Video
Sam Wainwright, Mar 6, 2021
Why We Must Fight to Save Freo Port
Sam Wainwright, Feb 16, 2021