Not only are we being told to prepare for war with China, but to expect it. It’s the stuff of nightmares.
Sam Wainwright
The Scott Morrison multiple-portfolio saga is just the tip of the credibility crisis plaguing politics. We need to look a lot further than the restoration of Westminster conventions.
The defeat of the right-wing Scott Morrison government indicates people want change and there is a strong mood to act on the climate crisis and inequality
Kicking out Morrison and electing a minority Labor government dependent on Greens support would open up political opportunities for progressive reform. But to ensure they win, we have to build our balance of power on the streets.
Boat turn-backs don’t save lives at sea. The real meaning of this barbaric practice has always been “Fuck off and die somewhere else”
Russia has no right to launch attacks across Ukraine and it must pull back. We stand with Ukraine against the war being waged on it by Russia, and demand that Russia immediately stop bombing Ukraine and withdraw its military from Ukraine territory and airspace. All sides must return to diplomacy to de-escalate the situation and resolve the current impasse
Under the cover of applying “one vote, one value” to elections for Western Australia's Legislative Council, last month WA Labor also pushed through legislation that disadvantages smaller political parties.
It is pretty clear now that Australia is ruled by, and on behalf of, sociopaths who are confident that they, or their children, will get a place on the escape space shuttle out of here if things turn to shit.
Australia’s foreign and military policy is not a force for good in the world. Australia is one of a small clutch of imperialist powers that extracts vast wealth from the 85% of the global population who live in the less developed countries.
It’s obvious that the corporate-profits-first logic is incapable of dealing with the challenge of COVID-19 efficiently or fairly.
The pursuit of Wikileaks founder Assange is founded on a gross manipulation of the legal process – at every step of the way.
The insistence on Israel’s “right to exist” is really a demand for the maintenance of a supremacist “Jewish’’ state, in which Palestinians are second-class citizens.