Economy and Taxation
The rising cost of living and the strain on public services mean Labor must junk its support for the Coalition's stage 3 tax cut policy,
The lesson from the G20 and COP26 is that it is not enough to just change an extreme climate foot dragging government for a seemingly climate friendly, big talking, but small action capitalist alternative.
That the federal Coalition government cannot even promise a target by 2050 — which is pretty meaningless given the climate emergency requires dramatic carbon draw down in the next few years — reveals it is still trying to avoid doing anything.
Socialist Alliance candidate, Sue Bolton, has condemned the Federal Government's announcement to phase out the COVID-19 Disaster Payment once 70% and 80% vaccination targets are reached.
Labor seems more determined than ever to promise little, hoping the next election will land in its lap without offering any meaningful change.
As Australia’s billionaires increased their wealth by 34% since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, while the wages share of national income dropped to a historic low, a billionaire tax is a modest proposal!
The federal government delivered another budget for the billionaire class that runs Australia and is hell-bent on putting their profits ahead of the climate emergency.
The squeeze on workers far predates the COVID-19 pandemic. In today’s dollars more than $4 trillion has shifted from workers’ pockets to corporate profits.
The property-owning class has come out of the pandemic richer and more determined to use their wealth to get even wealthier. Typically, they are demanding measures that will only make housing prices more unaffordable to most.