Democracy and democratic rights

Claims the new IR laws will close the gender pay gap and strengthen equal pay laws are welcome. However, the laws will divide workers and weaken the Better Off Overall Test.

Make no mistake, DjabWurrung Gunnai Gunditjmara woman Senator Lidia Thorpe is under attack because of her militancy

Progressives need to build support for the right of the peoples of the Pacific to self-determination, free from interference, including from our own government

Socialist Alliance supports the mass protest movement in Iran that has developed in response to the killing of Mahsa Amini by the Iranian authorities.

Progressive people need to push back against the draconian police reppression of peaceful climate activists in Sydney.

Socialist Alliance has to submit a list of more than 750 members to the NSW Electoral Commission to be able to stay registered and appear on the ballot paper for state and local government elections.

Socialist Alliance has received written confirmation from the Australian Electoral Commission that we remain a registered political party.

No matter what we think of Djokovic’s born-to-rule attitude, the government’s arbitrary and discriminatory use of its harsh border policies is not in our broader democratic interest.

Under the cover of applying “one vote, one value” to elections for Western Australia's Legislative Council, last month WA Labor also pushed through legislation that disadvantages smaller political parties.

Socialist Alliance submitted a list of 1650 members to the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) on December 2 in order to maintain electoral registration.

Not everyone who has attended the so-called “Freedom” protests is right wing, but the protests themselves are right wing and so are the organisers.

Corruption is not an accidental feature of these parties, nor the result of individual greed or weakness. It is a structural feature of a system geared to protecting the interests of a few at the expense of the many, and cannot be ended without revolutionary change.