Our Common Cause

Our Common Cause is the column of Socialist Alliance in Green Left which is widely recognised as one of the most authoritative left-wing English-language sources of news and political analysis in print and online. Green Left covers many of the issues and campaigns that Socialist Alliance members are involved in.

Members and supporters are encouraged to promote Green Left while campaigning in their communities and workplaces and to become financial supporters of Green Left to ensure its ongoing production and distribution.

This shocking case is just the latest illustration of how Australian governments — Coalition and Labor — have served multinational corporate interests at the expense of the Timorese people.

The existence of Border Force is just as racist and authoritarian as Trump’s proposed Border Wall or Israel's Apartheid Wall.

It is vitally important that people are not so cowed by the new anti protest laws that they stop protesting — quite the opposite.

The federal Coalition government's so-called "tax reform" represents a major escalation of the capitalist class war against the poor and working people.

  We need to keep the pressure up for real solutions, on our terms, which will begin to shatter institutional sexism.

Racism is bosses' ideology and fighting it should be core business for the union movement.

Safe access zones alone will not be enough to improve access to abortion, while the procedure remains in the criminal codes of those states and generally inaccessible through the public hospital system.

Australia is continuing to avoid any possibility that it might stand up for Palestinian sovereignty and human rights with its behaviour at the United Nations.

By seeking to one-up the government over tax cuts for low and middle income earners, Shorten is perpetuating the idea that tax cuts are a solution to tackling the decline in living standards.

The wealthy and corporations got a visit from Santa Claus, but the rest of us got Scrooged again on Budget night.

Pill testing is an effective harm minimisation activity but to really save lives we need to end drug prohibition in Australia and to effectively regulate the quality and supply of drugs.

The Big Four banks must be nationalised so people can take back their stolen wealth and a new public banking system must be created under democratic community control.