People Power Planet - For the billions not the billionaires! 2017 Western Australia election campaign

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Our pledge

If elected we will reject the perks of parliamentary office and donate all income above an average worker's wage to campaigns for social change

The Socialist Alliance has chosen four activist candidates to take its message to Perth’s southern suburbs in the WA state election on 11 March.

All candidates are actively involved in the campaign to stop the environmentally and socially destructive Roe 8, but they are also passionate about range of other issues, and united in their passion to create a society that puts people and the planet ahead of the big corporations.

Our platform

Black Lives Matter

  • Real land rights
  • Stop deaths in custody
  • Save remote communities

Renewable energy now

  • No fracking
  • Ban uranium mining
  • Build the Freo Wind Farm
  • Make the mining industry pay

Community ownership, not privatisation

  • Fremantle Port & Western Power: Not for sale!
  • Stop outsourcing our services

No scapegoating of Muslims and refugees

  • Racism won't create jobs
  • Blame the billionaires not the vulnerable
  • Put One Nation last


  • Create new jobs in renewable energy
  • Restore compulsory apprenticeship ratios

Fight poverty and fund services

  • Reverse Barnett's cuts to health, education & community services
  • Reopen Fremantle Hospital Emergency Department
  • Expand public housing

Cities for people, not cars

  • Scrap Roe 8 & Perth Freight Link
  • Invest in rail freight & public transport
  • More bike infrastructure

Equal rights and dignity for all

  • Fund the Safe Schools program
  • Make abortion free & accessible
  • Expand services for people fleeing family & domestic violence

How to vote for Socialist Alliance in the WA election

How to vote Socialist Alliance in Fremantle

How to vote Socialist Alliance in Willagee.

How to vote Socialist Alliance in the South Metropolitan region.

Socialist Alliance preference flows for the South Metropolitan region. Image removed. sa_preferences.pdf

We need your financial support!

We haven't got any corporate donors. A people power campaign needs your support.

Direct Debit 
Socialist Alliance WA 
BSB 633 000 
Account 159292382

Donate through MyCause


Mar 4 2017: Make Roe 8 our urban Franklin Dam (Green Left Weekly)

Mar 8 2017: WA election: Vote for progress (The Guardian)

Feb 24 2017: Socialist Alliance candidate Petrina Harley: ‘We need Safe Schools’ (Green Left Weekly)

Mar 5 2017: Socialist Alliance candidate says reopen Fremantle Hospital emergency department. (Fremantle Herald)

Mar 2 2017: Socialist Alliance candidate calls for justice. (Melville Times)

Feb 17 2017: One Nation-Liberal deal in WA a sign of desperation (Green Left Weekly)

Feb 16 2017: Asbestos rally calls for Royal Commission into Roe 8 (Green Left Weekly)

Feb 2 2017: WA Socialist candidates rebut Mayor on Perth Freight Link (Green Left Weekly)

Feb 14 2017: Chris Jenkins: Keep public assets in the community’s hands (Green Left Weekly)

Feb 11 2017: Beeliar wetlands custodian Corina Abraham to stand in WA election (Green Left Weekly)

Jan 16 2017: Socialist Alliance to run in WA elections (Green Left Weekly)

25 Feb 2017: One law for them and another for us (Green Left Weekly)

17 Feb 2017: Socialist mocks Melville claims (Fremantle Herald)

6 Feb 2017: Melville forced to defend pro Perth Freight Link stance (Melville Times)

1 Mar 2017: WA Election: Fremantle candidates get grilled by public at debate (Fremantle Gazette)

28 Feb 2017: Fremantle candidates give views on crime in region (Fremantle Gazette)

21 Feb 2017: Fremantle candidates discuss grassroots sport and arts issues (Fremantle Gazette)

13 Feb 2017: Fremantle candidates have say on education (Fremantle Gazette)

6 Feb 2017: Fremantle candidates weigh in on infill (Fremantle Gazette)

3 Feb 2017: People power can save the Beeliar Wetlands (Green Left Weekly)

Radio interviews

22 Feb 2017: UNDERSTOREY: Stalking horses and socialist causes

20 Feb 2017: Chris Jenkins on RTRFM’s Indymedia