For community need, not developer greed: 2017 Newcastle local government election campaign
Here's our pledge#
We pledge to genuinely talk to the community. Events such as the SuperCars are causing havoc and destruction because the Council did not consult nor listen.
Our campaign#
We stand for a more democratic council that empowers the community. Ward 1 residents are sick of being trampled underfoot by developers and corporate interests.
Policy platform#
Community need, not developer greed
- More public scrutiny of development applications. Developers have too much power
- Promote affordable housing
- Fund improvements to disability access
- Redevelop the BHP site into a sustainability precinct with housing, parkland, cycle ways, clean technology jobs & park-&-ride to the city
A council that helps with cost of living
- No rise in rates or fees above inflation for council services
- Stop the cost-shifting: Advocate for full state & federal funding of council community services
- Reject the privatisation & outsourcing of council services
Open, democratic, accountable council
- Regular ward meetings with residents
- Accountability: no secret council briefings & meetings
For a healthier environment
- No T4 terminal. Campaign for covered coal wagons. Put a stop to coal dust
- Free entry into Mayfield pool
- Support & extend our community gardens
- Reopen the Loft youth venue
- Extend mental health services
- Better monitoring & transparency around the spread of RAAF base pollution
- Real time monitoring of air quality around Stockton, Mayfield & Throsby Creek
Public transport now
- Build the light rail on the existing rail corridor
- Extend light rail to the suburbs & University
- Develop safe cycle & pedestrian routes from Warrabrook to the city
- Reverse the privatisation of the buses & ferries
- Extend the Stockton ferry run to Carrington & Wickham
Housing is a human right
- Support rent caps on low income housing
- Conduct a Council audit of vacant properties, flats & offices
- Mandate 30% low income housing as part of all major residential developments
Protect Newcastle's identity
- Keep live music venues
- Protect low-cost neighbourhoods from gentrification
- Implement building height restrictions to preserve Newcastle's character
- More protection for heritage buildings
How to Vote 1 Socialist Alliance in Newcastle

Latest news and media
July 28 - Socialists to stand for Newcastle Council