Sarah Hathway

For many young people, the fact that modern Australia emerged from a colonial-settler society founded on the violent dispossession of First Nations peoples is a self-evident fact.

Claims the new IR laws will close the gender pay gap and strengthen equal pay laws are welcome. However, the laws will divide workers and weaken the Better Off Overall Test.

Premier Andrew’s energy announcement is a nod to the failures of privatisation the energy sector and the growing pressure to speed up the transition

The defeat of the right-wing Scott Morrison government indicates people want change and there is a strong mood to act on the climate crisis and inequality

The new exemptions to Public Health Orders which can force sick workers to work represent a serious attack on workers' rights and their health and safety. Workers and our unions need to draw a line.

The lesson from the G20 and COP26 is that it is not enough to just change an extreme climate foot dragging government for a seemingly climate friendly, big talking, but small action capitalist alternative.

Even though different state governments are taking slightly different approaches, the reason for this debate is that governments — state and federal — are making corporate interests a higher priority than people’s health.

Attorney general Christian Porter and Prime Minister Scott Morrison have tried their hardest to confuse, rather than address, the issues surrounding the credible allegations of rape against Porter.

The federal government’s commitment to a gas-led recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, supported by the Labor opposition, means that Australia is on track to reach net zero emissions in 300 years.

Behind the “We’re all in this together” rhetoric, it seems clear that employers and the government were not going to waste a crisis; they saw the talks as an opportunity to weaken industrial relations laws they judge to be “holding back” the economy.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison currently earns $538,460 a year and in a few weeks time will earn an additional $10,000 a year.

Geelong Council needs a couple of socialists to really shake things up.