Why socialism

The shock resignations from parliament of Greens Senators Scott Ludlam and Larissa Waters highlights one of many undemocratic features in the Australian Constitution.

Arguably the best approach we can take to help create the conditions for a mass left-wing break to occur is to build the social movements.

The most striking lesson to take home from the recent UK election is that left wing ideas can win popular support in an advanced capitalist country today. They said Socialism was dead but veteran socialist Corbyn is proving them wrong.

Here are 10 reasons why socialism is the way forward to solve society’s problems!

The rich get richer and the poor get poorer, yet both the Abbott government and the so-called opposition try to place the blame for falling living standards on refugees, Aboriginal people, welfare recipients and the poor and marginalised.
When the Greek people voted “no” to creditor demands by 61.5%, the ECB tightened the screws even more. It is clear the Troika wants total surrender — to hammer home the message that “there is no alternative”. In reality, the only fair way out of the crisis is to write off the debt that is not just unpayable — as even the IMF admits behind closed doors — but illegitimate.